U8 and U9 Power Skating Sessions, News (EGMHA)

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Oct 11, 2023 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 469 views
U8 and U9 Power Skating Sessions
EGMHA has partnered with a new skating coach for this season - Alexa Matveev - and is developing a new program with her.

Alexa is an up and coming power skating coach who has been working with minor hockey players and associations for the past 3 seasons. Her background is in figure skating, and she has competed at the national and international levels in her career.

The exact details of this program will be worked out over the first few weeks.

These sessions will target different age groups throughout the season. There will be a player limit for these sessions, and a sign up form in order to maintain these limits.

Please click on the dates below to sign up for that session.

Sunday October 15th, 8-9AM EGSC West. U8 or U9 players only

Sunday October 22nd, 8-9AM EGSC West U8 or U9 players only
