Notice to Amend Articles, Constitution and By-Laws at AGM, News (EGMHA)

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May 07, 2024 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 1206 views
Notice to Amend Articles, Constitution and By-Laws at AGM
Notice to our Members,

There are two amendment packages for discussion and decision at our AGM on May 21st. 

The first package was put forward by a member and can be found here:Proposed_Revisions_to_EGMHA_Constitution_v11-1

Any amendments from this package that are passed will be incorporated as amendments to the proposed changes in the second package which is required for EGMHA to be compliant with the Ontario Not-For-Profit Corporation Act (ONCA).

ONCA came into force on October 19, 2021 replacing the Ontario Corporation Act.  ONCA provides a modern legislative framework for the governance of Ontario’s not-for-profit corporations and charities. 

A 3-year transition period was granted during which organizations would bring their constating documents (i.e. By-Laws, letters patent and supplementary letters patent in "Articles of Amendment", etc.) into conformity with the new ONCA. 

The following links will provide you with the proposed changes which will be up for approval by the members at the AGM on May 21, 2024. 




If the ONCA proposal is not approved, then we will need to make revisions and hold another meeting prior to the legislated transition date. If we fail to pass compliant constating documents then EGMHA will have to adopt the Standardized By-Laws as prescribed by ONCA. This would be problematic as they are not specific to how our Association operates. 