Midget A Eagles are off to Europe !, News (EGMHA)

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Mar 07, 2015 | Eric Kopsala | 2036 views
Midget A Eagles are off to Europe !
The Midget A team is heading off to Europe March 11-22nd for a jam-packed agenda full of historic sight-seeing heavily focused on the anniversary of the second world war, and of course ... hockey.

The East Gwillimbury Minor Hockey Association is thrilled to see our most senior team undertake this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and wish them safe travels, great games, and hope they meet new friends.

We confident you will represent our small community well both on and off the ice.

We invite you to follow the travels and experiences of our Eagles on social media.

Their Itinerary can be found here.  europe_itinerary.pdf

Open Letter ​​from Midget A Coach Paul Green

“As our Midget A Eagles are now into their YS playoffs and preparing for each game with the intent of advancing towards the finals and a showing that will make our association proud they are also in final preparation for the second major goal that defines their season. On March 11th our Midget A Eagles travel to Europe for their History through hockey tour that will start in Prague, take them through Germany, and finish up in Holland marking the 70th anniversary of the end of the second world war and the liberation of Holland by Canadian soldiers. The tour that brings the team back home on Mach 22nd will be a combination of goodwill games across the three countries with tours and visits to concentration camps and Canadian soldier burial grounds to highlight a few of the activities.


As the team (parents, coaches, and players, along with our generous sponsors from the community) are just winding up our fund raising efforts, and with the departure date fast approaching the magnitude of this ambitious effort is starting to sink in for all. The Eagles will return with a true perspective on sacrifice and commitment that will add to the maturity they already display. Attached is a link to the CTV news report detailing the trip and purpose, a worthwhile watch.




On behalf of our team, and with humility we thank all in our community from the town council, to corporate sponsors, and fine individual citizens for their generosity in support of this effort!

Kindest regards,

Paul Green

Head Coach E.G. Midget A
