Hockey Survey, News (EGMHA)

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Mar 07, 2015 | Eric Kopsala | 2823 views
Hockey Survey
If you are willing / interested to help a University of Toronto Masters student with her large-scale survey, read on.

Hello again,


My name is Kristina and I am a research assistant in the Sport and Performance Psychology Lab at the University of Toronto (Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education). I contacted you back in November and/or January about a 3-year, large scale study of youth hockey in Canada being conducted at the University of Toronto.


We are conducting our third round of online surveys and we would really appreciate your participation in completing it once again. The surveys are available for the month of March, closing April 5th at: Hockey administrators include team managers, scouts, equipment managers, league or team administrators, and other administrators. There will be an opportunity for you to enter your email in a draw for 1/20 $50 or $100 Sport Chek gift cards.


As a brief reminder of the purpose of this study, we are asking anyone who is involved in youth hockey - athletes ages 14-19, parents (their children can be any age), coaches, referees, and administrators - to complete an online survey. The surveys ask about positive and negative experiences in youth hockey, stress and coping, coach/referee/administrator burnout, and we also ask about perceptions of the Respect in Sport Parent Program for those who have taken it. With our results we hope to look at changes over time to see if people’s experiences in youth hockey are improving over time.


We are also seeking parent and athletes. In our last online surveys conducted in November and January we had trouble getting the word out to athletes about the study. We are looking for any additional ways to get the study information and survey link sent out to athletes, as well as parents. If possible, please let me know if you are able to help by sending the study information out to athletes directly via email, or through parents to send out to their children. The surveys for parents and athletes are available for the month of March and can be completed at:


Please let me know if you have any questions about the research or if you would like any other information to distribute about the study.

Thank you!




-Kristina Smith

Research Assistant/Master's student

Sport and Performance Psychology Lab

Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education
Hockey Study <[email protected]>
