Sep 14, 2015 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 1387 views
House League Opening Weekend
Our hockey season starts this coming weekend (Sept 19 & 20th), and below you will find the info you need for our opening weekend.
Tyke: Saturday 12 -2 pm, Sunday 12-2pm
Novice: Saturday 2- 4 pm, Sunday 7-9 am
Atom: Saturday 4-6 pm, Sunday 2-4 pm
Your conveners will be in touch later in the week for which hour your child is assigned to, we are just waiting for registration to close so that we can split each division into two even groups.
When you come to the rink please come to the table that is set up in the front lobby to check in and receive your child's name tag or pinny. Evaluations will be taking place during their weekend ice times, for Tykes this is to ensure your child will be placed in the correct grouping to further enhance his/her skills, and for Novice and Atom players, the score from the assessment is used in our team draft to ensure we are creating balanced teams.
Since the change rooms have limited space it is recommended that one parent/guardian assist your child at a time. Please note, we request that once the session has started that parents DO NOT open the doors to the rink when the players are on the ice. The coaching staff will address every child's need(s) and they will notify you if he/she needs your assistance.
Please be reminded that for insurance purposes it is mandatory that each player be in full hockey protective equipment, this also includes a neck guard, mouth guard and a helmet with a cage.
You should also bring a labelled water bottled for your child. All water bottles should be placed on the inside of the glass so your child can get a drink when necessary. This will limit the number of distractions on the ice and your child will learn to become more independent and learn to rely on the coaching staff more.
Mouth Guard Clinic:
There will be a company will be on site in the Arena to make custom fitted mouth guards for any player who may want to purchase this very necessary safety equipment. Players must have a properly fitting mouth guard to go on the Ice. This service will run throughout the day on Saturday the 19th and Sunday 20th. Prices for the custom mouth guard will vary, but based on my previous experience you are usually looking at the $40 to $60 price range.
Respect in Sport:
‘Respect in Hockey’ is a concept that receives considerable attention in both minor hockey and in community sport. The Ontario Minor Hockey Association is committed to the prevention of abuse, bullying and harassment, and the education of our membership.
The ‘Respect in Hockey’ initiative requires all Team Officials, On-ice Volunteers, On-Ice Officials and Parents to take the appropriate ‘Respect’ education. At least one parent or guardian of each player registered in minor hockey in the OMHA will be required to complete the Respect in Sport - Parent Program as a condition of participation. The one-hour online course is a proactive, educational program that empowers parents with the tools to ensure the game is enjoyable and respectful for themselves, their children and all other stakeholders in the game.
Please note, that your child will not be able to go on the ice if this course hasn't been completed by a parent. If you completed the course last season, you are not required to do so again. Instructions on how to take this course can be found here.
Have a great opening weekend!!!