Local League Teams win Consolation Championships, News (EGMHA)

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Mar 31, 2017 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 1210 views
Local League Teams win Consolation Championships
Congratulation to our Local League teams on a successful season!
Two teams brought home their respective Group Consolation Championships. 

PeeWee Team 3 (Ruby) took the title in four games over the Thornton Tigers with the win at home on Wednesday night. 

PeeWee Local League Team 3 (Ruby) after their Group 2 Consolation Championship win!

Bantam Team 1 (Weiman) battled back and forth in their own series against the Thornton Tigers to claim the title on the road Thursday night.

Bantam LL Team 1 (Weiman) earlier in the season after a practice

Congratulations to both teams!!!!