Don't forget this Saturday (Nov 23) and Tuesday (Nov 26) are EGMHA Picture Days
All players should have received their assigned day and time from their coaches. If you have not, please check with your team coach or manager.
Players should be dressed in full equipment (except for helmet, skates and mouth guard) and should arrive 15 minutes prior to their scheduled time slot in order to register with the Photographer's Event Coordinator. The photographer has indicated that they will not accept early or late players on Photo Day. ALL Players must come in within their scheduled time team slot.
All players will receive a photo of themselves with their team. The order form picture can be clicked below to open up for information on available packages and how to place an order. Order envelopes will be available on Picture day, all payments on order are due at the time the order is placed.
Questions about pictures should be directed to
Sherri Annis, VP Parents Auxillary.
The photographer will also have specialty orders available, pricing will be presented on Picture Day, below is a flyer with examples of what will be on available to order.
