OMHA has suspended all hockey activities, News (EGMHA)

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Mar 12, 2020 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 907 views
OMHA has suspended all hockey activities
We have been informed by the Ontario Minor Hockey Association that all hockey related activities are immediately cancelled indefinitely.  This includes all practices as well as all games.  The foremost priority is the health and safety of participants, volunteers and hockey families.  

OMHA has been proactively working alongside Health Canada, Hockey Canada and local public health officials in regards to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). In light of recent events, the OMHA Officers have made the decision to immediately suspend all hockey activities.

EGMHA will continue to stay in contact with OMHA and will be proactive in informing our constituents on all upcoming protocols and required actions as they become available. 

Any questions or concerns can be directed to Rick McGlone, EGMHA President
