Registration Update, News (EGMHA)

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May 31, 2020 | Cathy Kopsala | 1105 views
Registration Update
Hello all EGMHA members.  We hope this message finds your family healthy and safe.

Hockey Canada and its Members are diligently working on a multifaceted return-to-hockey plan that will happen when, and only when, provincial governments and health authorities deem it safe to do so.

This plan includes everything from health and safety regulations to communications, seasonal structure, and customer engagement.  The game will look different, that much we do know. We ask for patience as we continue to work towards ensuring hockey plays its role in bringing the sports community back.  

Online registration for the 2020-2021 season will be open on Monday June 1st at 9:00am.  There will be no fees attached to the registration at this time.  Once we have direction from Hockey Canada and the OHF on what the season will look like, we will determine the fees and e-mail the invoices.  We do expect several divisions to fill up, so please register at your earliest convenience to reserve your spot.

To register, please go to the registration link at

New members are required to provide a birth certificate and complete the Parental Respect in Sport course.  Details can be found in the registration link.

The health and safety of everyone involved will determine when we return.  When the province is ready, EGMHA will be ready.  Until that time, please do your part to help limit the spread of Covid-19.  By working together we will be able to make a difference and safely return to the game.  