Year End House League Gift Pick Up, News (EGMHA)

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Jul 10, 2020 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 686 views
Year End House League Gift Pick Up
With the unfortunate early end to our 2019/20 season we were unable to hold our banquets and provide our young House League players their Year End Gifts.  We committed to postponing and distributing at a future date. 

After discussion with the Town of East Gwillimbury, we are pleased to announce that on Saturday July 11th, we will be in the parking lot at the arena to distribute the year end gifts to our House League players. 

In order to maintain physical distancing, we are asking parents to follow the process below:
  1. Enter the parking lot for the East Gwillimbury Sport Complex from the WEST entrance. 
  2. Drive towards the East side of the parking lot, and a volunteer will direct you where to go.
  3. Indicate to the volunteer what division(s) your child / children are in. 
  4. Drive your car into the queue indicated by the volunteer and someone will bring to your car your player's gift
  5. Parents and players must stay in their cars at all times
Pick Up Times:
Intro/IP          9:00am to   9:45am
M.Nov/Nov    10:00am to 10:45am
Atom            11:00am to 11:45am

We realize this isn't the way we wanted to celebrate our House League players but we feel it is the best way to keep everyone safe. 

If you are unable to attend Saturday, please let Ryan Gray, VP HL know and he can make alternate arrangements to get your child their year end gift. 