OHF Updated Return to Hockey Framework, News (EGMHA)

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Aug 03, 2020 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 1030 views
OHF Updated Return to Hockey Framework
The Ontario Hockey Federation on July 29th, posted an updated version of their Return to Hockey Framework. This update includes an outline of the different phases for Stage 3 and the requirements for each phase.

A full copy of the updated OHF Return to Hockey Framework is available on the OHF website.

According to this document, we are currently in Stage 3A and are expected to move to Stage 3B on September 1st.  However, please keep in mind that decisions to return to play are being done in accordance with the guidance provided by the Ontario Government, York Region and the Town of East Gwillmibury. 

Some of the highlights in OHF Stage 3B include:

- Maximum of 30 participants on the ice at a time, including instructors, coaches or officials.
- Physical distancing is required for the purpose of individual and group training.
- Registration information is included, requirement links to where player was registered last season.
- Following a minimum two-week development phase, modified 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 game play may begin.
- The format for the modified games are dependent on registration numbers, the intent is to run in a tiered format. The format would have major and minor aged rep players from last season grouped together in one tier for each division and players from last season's house league or local league programs grouped together in the other tier in each division. 
- Leagues are a maximum of 50 or less (included players, coaches and officials).
- Will include game play with rules that focus on physical distancing (no deliberate or prolonged contact).

There are still many details to be clarified, we are expecting to receive more information from the OMHA on how associations should be implementing the OHF guidance. This is a situation that continues to evolve it seems daily, and we appreciate the patience all our families are given us while we try to navigate all the new requirements and limitations in returning to play. 

Please be assured we are meeting with the Town regularly and hope to be able to announce plans for the timing and format for the upcoming season shortly. We are doing our best to have program information, registration update and fees determined in time for our AGM on August 18th

In the meantime, if you intend to have your child play hockey this season, please make sure to register before registration closes on August 15th. We are not in a position to guarantee spots in our programs for any late registrants this year. 
