New Season Information, News (EGMHA)

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Aug 20, 2020 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 628 views
New Season Information
Just some information to highlight for our upcoming season

Start Dates
U5 to U7 Divisions: To be determined (details to follow)
U8 to U18 Divisions: September 21, 2020
* we are trying to plan for some development clinics in the week prior to our official start, there would be an extra for these sessions

- Return to Hockey program includes all levels (Rep and House League/Local League) 
- Tiered internal house leagues of 4 vs 4 (or 3 vs 3)  
- Tiered divisions will be based on the level played in the 2019-2020 season and registration numbers (e.g. Rep players in Tier 1 and HL/LL players in Tier 2)   
- Games would only be within Tier (e.g. Tier 1 teams only play Tier 1 teams)
- Rules for modified games can be found here: Modified_Rules

- U7 and below Divisions: Closed - contact [email protected] there is still some room
- U8 to U18 Divisions: Closed -
[email protected] to be put on the wait list

Registration Fees:
- U7 and below: Divisions: $575 (covers 2 ice times a week)
- U8 to U15 Divisions: $700 (covers 1 practice and 1 game a week)
- U16 and above: $800 (covers 2 games a week)
- Details on payments options are being finalized
Will continue to offer discount of $50 for 3rd player in family.
- Click here to see some options for financial assistance


- No spectators will be allowed in the facility at the beginning of the season. 
- Hopefully that will change as we progress through the stages of re-opening

Player Access:
- Instruction to follow closer to the season start

- If you are registered, but have decided not to play, please contact [email protected] as we have several players on the wait list

* As the situation evolves and if protocols change then EGMHA will consider changes to programs at all levels accordingly
