Hockey is Back!, News (EGMHA)

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Sep 20, 2020 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 1452 views
Hockey is Back!
Hockey returns to East Gwillimbury this week! It may look and feel a little different, but with your support we are confident we can make this a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.   

Please review the following safety protocols prior to attending your registered session. 

Any players or coaches not adhering to the protocols below will NOT be permitted to participate. 

There will be no exceptions to these rules. 

All players and coaches must complete our on-line self assessment each day they come to the sports complex prior to their session.  

  1. Please don't leave on-line self assessment until the last minute. We are asking these be completed the day of their session, at least two hours before they come to the arena, so that we can review the information and provide to the coach running the session. 
  2. Players and coaches not completing this assessment, will not be permitted in the sports complex to take part in the session. 
  3. The self assessment form can be found here:

Covid-19 Health Screening Questionnaire

  Inline image

Please arrive prior to the entry time. Players will be allowed in the EGSC 10 minutes before their ice slot (once the whole group has arrived) if you are not there 10 minutes before then the group may have to go in without you and your player will miss the session, line up on the designated spots at the main sliding door entrance. Please ensure your player is standing on the designated lines to ensure social distancing while they wait to be admitted. 

  • No late arrivals will be permitted, as doors will be locked once the player cohort has moved into the arena. 
  • There are no spectators allowed in the building for these sessions.

All players entering the EGSC will be required to wear a face mask and will be required to sanitize their hands at one of the hand sanitizing stations that are in facility. 

All players should come fully dressed wearing a mask, carrying their helmet, stick, skates, and a filled water bottle labelled with their name. To make it easier for players to sanitize their hands and manage their equipment, they should bring a bag (something smaller than a hockey bag) to hold everything as they go in. 

  • The player may carry a small bag in with their helmet and skates. If your player is unable to tie their skates, they may choose to come in with skates tied wearing skate guards.
  • Once in the sports complex, they will be guided to an area they can put on their skates. They will be required to keep their mask on until they put on their helmet. We ask that each player bring a small re-usable bag to put their mask in when they are on the ice. This may be left on the chair they use to put their skates on. 

After each session, players will be directed quickly back to their seat, to remove their skates and helmet.

  • When the helmet has been removed, they will be required to put their face mask back on. Players will have 5 minutes to exit the building.
  • There are designated exits for each ice pad. Sessions on the West Pad will exit through the far West door (next to the community rooms), and sessions on the East Pad will exit through the door at the end of the East area. . 

We do ask all parents review our COVID-19_-_EGMHA_Return_To_Hockey_Framework, there are more details in there than this article includes.  Any questions about our Return to Play plan, should be directed to Ed Vetere, EGMHA Vice President. 

We hope everyone enjoys these skates and we thank you all in advance for helping to keep our hockey community safe!

