Nov 13, 2020 | evetere | 1008 views
Return to Hockey Update
The Province of Ontario has announced today that effective Monday November 16th at 12:01 am York Region will move into the Red - Control Stage.
York Region will now be transitioning back into a “Modified Stage 2” and into the “Control” phase.
What does this mean for EGMHA?
This represents a continuation of current schedule which will only have teams practicing. It is anticipated that this "Modified Stage 2" will continue at least for the next 2 weeks. The EGMHA executive will reconvene before then to reassess the situation and to determine next steps.
In addition, please review these highlighted key points:
- Health Check Screening must continue to be completed NO EXCEPTION, no player/coach will be allowed in the arena without completing the Health Screening
- We will be moving to the new Health Screening App (SportsHeadz) to make this easier for parents/coaches
- Everyone must continue to observe physical distancing, wearing a mask while inside (except when on ice) and sanitizing/washing hands frequently.
- Spectators/guardians will NOT be allowed to enter the facility for ANY age group
We will be holding a townhall this Sunday @ 7pm, please join us as we will review the plan and try to answer all your questions.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during these difficult times.