Returning our Eagles to the ice!, News (EGMHA)

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Feb 26, 2021 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 656 views
Returning our Eagles to the ice!
As we previously noted, the Province of Ontario has announced  York Region is now in the Red - Control Stage. 

What does this mean for EGMHA?
This represents a return to our approach from prior to lockdown. We will be returning to the ice as of March 1st. While we are in this Red Zone we will only have teams practicing, but now we will be allowed have 10 players and 2 coaches on the ice.

We don't know at this time how long we will continue in this Red (Control) Zone.

The EGMHA executive will continue to assess the situation as it evolves, and will keep you updated on any changes.

In addition, please review these highlighted key points:   
- Health Check Screening must continue to be completed NO EXCEPTION, no player/coach will be allowed in the arena without completing the Health Screening
- We are using the SportsHeadz Health Screening App to do the health screening
- Everyone must continue to observe physical distancing, wearing a mask while inside (except when on ice) and sanitizing/washing hands frequently.
- Spectators/guardians will NOT be allowed to enter the facility for ANY age group except the U7 age group.
- Only one guardian for U7 player will be allowed in, absolutely no siblings will be allowed to enter. If a parent is a coach for a U7 team, then they will be considered the guardian entering the building for that player. 

We will be holding a town hall this Sunday @ 7pm, please join us as we will review the Return to Play plan and try to answer all your questions.

Click here to join the Town Hall via MS Teams

We are meeting with coaches to discuss the return and they will be in touch with you over the weekend with your first ice time. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding during these difficult times. 
