Return to Play Reminders, News (EGMHA)

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Mar 02, 2021 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 651 views
Return to Play Reminders
We want to remind all our families of the importance of following the health protocols we have put in place, they are required to keep our community safe.

We are aware that there are currently two schools in East Gwillimbury with positive Covid-19 cases, if you (as a Coach or U7 Guardian) or your child, has received notice from York Public Health that you are required to isolate due to close contact in either a classroom, bus or other setting, then you or your child is NOT to come to hockey.

Some of the key requirements of our Return to Play plan we want to highlight include:

  • Health Check Screening must continue to be completed with NO EXCEPTION, no player/coach will be allowed in the arena without completing the Health Screening

    • We are using the SportsHeadz Health Screening App to do the health screening.

    • If you as a coach, U7 guardian or your child is not attending, then please use to the SportsHeadz app to mark that ahead of the practice.

    • Knowing who is and who is not in attendance, and the completed health screenings are critical to our Covid-19 contact tracing requirements

    • Among other questions, the health check includes questions on how the participant is feeling and whether they have been in contact with someone that is Covid-19 positive or suspected to be positive.

    • If any of those answers are YES, the participant, U7 Guardian or Coach should NOT come to hockey.

  • Everyone who attends must continue to observe physical distancing, wearing a mask while inside (except when on ice) and sanitizing/washing hands frequently.

  • Spectators/guardians will NOT be allowed to enter the facility for ANY age group except the U7 age group.

    • Only one guardian for U7 player will be allowed in, absolutely no siblings will be allowed to enter.

    • If a parent is a coach for a U7 team, then they will be considered the guardian entering the building for that player.

    • All guardians must also complete a Health Screening.

EGMHA takes Covid-19 very seriously, if these requirements are not followed then the safety of our community is at risk. If it is determined that our activities result in any spread of the virus, then we will end the season.

We are confident that all our hockey families are following the advice provided by York Region Public Health to keep our community safe, and we thank you for your cooperation in adhering to our guidelines
