2021-22 Return to Play Policy, News (EGMHA)

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Sep 08, 2021 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 570 views
2021-22 Return to Play Policy
Hockey is back!

It may still look and feel a little different, but with your support we are confident we can make this a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.   

We do ask all parents review our COVID-19_-_EGMHA_Return_To_Hockey_Framework_2021-2022_Season. Any questions about our Return to Play plan, should be directed to Ed Vetere, EGMHA Vice President. 

Below are some reminders from the Town of East Gwillimbury (also in our Return to Play Policy) for when you are coming to the rink.

East Gwillimbury Sports Complex Guidelines

· Physical distancing is required at all times

·Active Screening of all individuals entering the facility is required

·If ill, you are strongly encouraged to contact your health care provider, York Region Public Health at 1-80-361-5653, or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 to find out if you need a COVID-19 test

·Active Screening can be completed by using the QR code on the front doors of the facility prior to entering the facility.  The link to the screening can also be found on the main page of our website here. Make sure to hit SUBMIT when you have finished answering the questions.  

·Only 1 spectator per participant is allowed in the facility

·On ice activities will adhere to the sports specific governing body and provincial guidelines

Arrival at the Facility

· Please arrive at the facility no more than 30 minutes before your start time

·All entry to the facility will be through the main front doors

·Everyone entering the facility must complete the active screening form and check in at the designated desk

·Skaters may get dressed in the changerooms if one is available to them, but no more than 7 people per dressing room

·A place dedicated for skaters/players, either a chair, bench or dressing room will be made available in the hallways

·We recommend participants coming dressed as much as possible


While in the Facility

·Face masks must be worn at all times while in the facility.  This includes the outdoors grounds wherever physical distancing is not possible, or may be difficult to maintain
      o   Exception: Face masks may be removed temporarily while actively eating or drinking or when participating in on-ice activities
·Changerooms are open with a limited number of 7, and showers remain closed

·Spectators must remain in the stands and not in the lobby or indoor viewing area

·Spectators must wear masks and social distance themselves from others while in the facility


While Exiting the Facility

·Participants and spectators are asked to exit out the main sliding door area.
We are looking forward to seeing our Eagles on the ice this season!        
