Updated Protocols for EG Facilities, News (EGMHA)

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Sep 20, 2021 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 967 views
Updated Protocols for EG Facilities
Please see the message below from the Town of East Gwillimbury

Effective September 22, 2021, the province is requiring anyone who are 12 years of age and older to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to access recreation facilities such as; the East Gwillimbury Sports Complex, Ross Family Complex, Holland Landing Community Centre and unstaffed facilities.  

Continued Compliance with all Health and Safety Precautions
Unless a legislated or regulatory exemption applies, all users 12 and older are expected and  required to continue to comply with applicable health and safety measures to reduce the hazard of COVID-19,  including but not limited to the Provincial Vaccination Policy, compliance with established COVID-19 protocols (e.g. active screening) wearing a mask or face covering, maintaining appropriate physical distancing and self-monitoring of potential COVID-19 symptoms.

Proof of Vaccination
Users of sports facilities and meeting rooms, who are 12 years of age and older, are required to provide proof of full vaccination. Proof means documentation verifying receipt of a vaccination series approved by the Ministry of Health.
Individuals can prove they are fully vaccinated by providing the following:

1. Physical or digital vaccination receipt.
2. Government Issued ID to confirm the member’s identity matches that on their vaccination receipt.


Participants 12 to 17 years of age, coaches and officials are exempt from providing proof of vaccination if the participant is entering the indoor facility for the sole purpose of actively participating in an organized sport.  

Participants/customers/guests are exempt from the requirement of providing vaccination status against COVID 19 if they provide a written document, completed and supplied by a physician or registered nurse in the extended class, that sets out, in accordance with the Ministry’s guidance. This document will include a medical reason for not being fully vaccinated and the effective time period for the medical reason.

Anyone unable to produce a vaccination passport or supply a written document supplied by a physician or registered nurse as an exemption may not enter the facility.


What to expect when entering a Town staffed recreation facility

Please review the user journey on how to enter EG’s recreation facilities beginning September 22:

Before Entering the Facility

  1. Scan the QR code and complete the active screening prior to entering the facility. You can also complete the COVID-19 Screening Form by visiting our website.
  2. Provide the Facility Screener at the entrance with your First and Last Name once the Covid-19 Screening form has been completed.
  3. Show your Vaccine passport and photo identification to the Facility Screener at the entrance.
  4. At this time for all programs or rentals only one spectator per participant is permitted into the facility.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please email [email protected] for assistance.
