U14 Body Checking Clinics, News (EGMHA)

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Mar 30, 2022 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 324 views
U14 Body Checking Clinics
Body checking becomes a part of rep hockey starting at U14. To ensure the safety of all players, it is highly recommended that all players wishing to participate in the tryouts for the 2022/23 U14 team have some prior training in body checking. 

EGMHA will be offering several free Body Checking Clinics to players born in 2009 who are intending to try out for the U14 Rep team in May. 

Eligibility Requirements to be able to attend the Body Checking Clinics include:
- Player MUST currently be a player registered with EGMHA
- Clinics will be filled on a ‘first come-first serve’ basis and limited to 25 skaters
- The clinics will be progression based and players should attend both ice

Clinic Times:

Monday April 11th @ 6:30 pm
Wednesday April 13th @ 6:30 pm

Sessions will be 1 hour in length

Click here to register for the sessions

We anticipate these clinics will fill up EXTREMELY fast so please register ASAP. 

If you go to register and the form is not available because the session limit has been reached, please notify Doug Westlund, EGMHA Director of Player and Coach Development via email (as we have no ability to track those that are unable to submit the form). 

Please note that if the demand goes beyond the planning capacity for the session then we will look at options to add more players. 