U11 Information Session, News (EGMHA)

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Jun 10, 2022 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 655 views
U11 Information Session
Thank you to those families who joined us last night for the U11 Information Session.
We apologize to those where were unable to join because of an issue with the meeting link.  So all members have the proper information, we have included a copy of the presentation given last night in this article for all to review. 

As noted, we have struggled pre-Covid and again this year with our numbers in the U11 House League Program. In addition to low player numbers, we are also continuously short coaches and trainers to help run the teams. For these reasons, based on the information we have, we intend to move our U11 program for the 2022-23 season to the Simcoe Region Local League program (SRLL).

You can find a copy of the presentation from last night here:  Local_League_Information_Session_for_U11_2022_.

EGMHA is one of many centres that participate in SRLL, this is an option for recreational hockey for smaller centres that are unable to support a viable internal house league. Many other associations (e.g., Innisfil) already have their younger age groups participate in the SRLL program.  Our players in U13 and older have had great playing experiences in this program, and we are hoping that the move for U11 will be the same for those players. 

It should be noted, that this decision is not final, but is based on what we have projected our U10/U11 registration to be.  If there are a great number players than projected, and it is enough to support a 4 team internal House League then we will re-evaluate our intention. 

Any questions pertaining to U11 and the future of the program, should be directed to Dan Ruby, Director of House League. 