2022-23 EGMHA Select Programming, News (EGMHA)

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Nov 10, 2022 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 476 views
2022-23 EGMHA Select Programming
EGMHA would like to thank all the families who took the time to respond to the survey regarding interest in Select programming this season. 

Based on the survey results, we will be moving forward with a U11 Select team.

EGMHA previously put out an email and followed up with a survey to determine interest, the results from the email request and survey were consistent between all three age groups. Unfortunately there was not enough interest expressed at the U13 and U15 age groups to make those teams viable. 

We have now opened Coach Applications for the U11 team. Interested coaches have until 5:00 pm on Sunday November 13th to apply. The application may be accessed by clicking the link below:

U11 Select Coach Application

Information regarding selection for the U11 team will be posted shortly. 
