2023-24 Spirit Award Nominations (EGMHA)

2023-24 Spirit Award Nominations

Player Award Criteria

Open to all players in every division, looking for a player who: puts others before him/herself; volunteers their time in various age appropriate capacities (in the community); sets a positive example for those around them at hockey showing compassion, kindness and integrity

Team Award Criteria

Open to all teams in every division, looking for a team that has: worked together to make a difference through various capacities; set an example for others in the league; made contributions to the community via initiatives (may be one or two) that they have done together

Volunteer Award Criteria

Open to all volunteers in the association, looking for a volunteer who: has made a difference in the hockey community; has a positive attitude, treats others with compassion, kindness, respect and generosity; may also volunteer their time in the community (as well as at the rink)

Nomination Category

Please select the category you are submitting a Spirit Award nomination for:


Please enter information about the nominee(s) that you are submitting. You can not combine nominations, you must submit individual forms for each category if you are submitting more than one nomination


Please enter information about the person completing the nomination form