Oct 30, 2015 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 879 views
Picture Day
Picture day for EGMHA House League is Saturday November 21st please see below for your team’s
assigned time, please arrive on time (fully dressed) as the schedule is pretty
Players should be in full equipment, including stick and skates,
but excluding neck guard and helmet. Coaches will have the forms to
purchase picture packages ahead of time, please bring them with you if you plan
on purchasing pictures for your Novice player.
7:30 am - Black (Team 1)
7:45 am - White (Team 4)
9:15 am - Royal Blue (Team 3)
9:30 am - Yellow (Team 5)
10:15 am - Orange (Team 2)
10:30 am - Light Blyue (Team 6)
If you are unable to make it on November 21st re-take picture day is scheduled forDecember 5th from 9am-12pm