8th Annual Hockey 4 Hunger Campaign - Dec 13th, News, Novice Houseleague, 2015-2016 (EGMHA)

This League is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 23, 2015 | EGMHA Webmaster (JM) | 1194 views
8th Annual Hockey 4 Hunger Campaign - Dec 13th
The 8th Annual Hockey 4 Hunger Campaign has officially started!!!    

Weigh In Day is set for Sunday December 13th, 2015. 

Below you will find details and the rules of the 2015 H4H Campaign.  Your coaches will be in touch with each team as we have more information on weigh in times and how as a team they want to approach the campaign.   

Our 2015 goal is 15lbs per player!   Let's show the other house league divisions that the Novice Division can't be beat!!!

On a personal note, we have participated as a family the last four years and have found it to be a great experience for our boys. Participation is completely voluntary, but from experience, I can tell you it is an amazing feeling when you weigh in and add your child’s raised donations to the giant food bins that will be there on the weigh in day.  Fact is, people in our community need these donations, so let's show all of EG how we can come together as community for an amazing cause!  

2015 Hockey 4 Hunger Rules!!


Over the first 7 years of this food drive EG players have donated over 90,000 lbs. of food!

1. The goal of this food drive is to get much needed food donations for local, less fortunate families while 
teaching our kids the importance of giving something that most of us take for granted – FOOD!

2. Players are expected to contribute at least 50% of the food weight they donate; parents are encouraged to create jobs for their players which will earn them food donations.

3. Food weigh-ins will take place in the Main Lobby of the arena on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13th.

4. Each team should designate a TEAM AMBASSADOR who will promote and organize this activity for their team, including the Team Weigh-In time. Check with your Team Ambassador for your weigh in time on Dec 13th.

5. Each team will sort their food and deposit it into the correct bins directly after it is weighed.

PLEASE NOTE - We welcome non-perishable Juices, but do not accept Bottled Water.

7. TEAM PRIZES - Remember, teams will compete against other Eagles teams within their category (see below). Winning Teams in each category will be awarded based on Total Team Weight.
 - REP Category – will include all EG Rep teams and EG Select Teams
 - HOUSE LEAGUE Category – will include all HL teams and Local Loop Teams

Each of the Winning Teams will receive the following prize:
 - 1 HOUR OF FREE ICE AT SHARON ARENA (to do what the team wants, not the coach!)
 - A TEAM PIZZA DINNER afterwards or at a time chosen by the team.

8. We have chosen a goal of 15lbs of food per player, however there is no maximum to the amount you can collect! All players who collect 100lbs will be entered into a draw to win 1 of 5 special prices. All “100 Club Members” will get a special hockey related "thank-you" prize on the weigh-in day.

9. We are hopeful that parents will take this opportunity to educate their kids about the need to give back to our community.

Although there is a small prize, the real prize should be the feeling of satisfaction each child gets by earning their donation and giving it to a less fortunate family!!

Please check out the H4H Facebook page here