Cyber Bullying (EGMHA)

PrintCyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying

The negative use of Social Media related in whole or in part to minor hockey is detrimental to the development of our participants in all capacities (i.e. player, coach, etc.) and is seen as both hurtful and destructive to the game of hockey. The guidelines in this blogging and social media policy are provided to help members make appropriate decisions about hockey-related blogging and the contents of blogs, personal Web sites, postings on wikis and other interactive sites, postings on video or picture sharing sites, or in the comments that are made online on blogs, elsewhere on the public Internet, and in responding to comments from posters either publicly or via email.

Abuse and Harassm

Members of EGMHA Hockey shall refrain from comments or behavior that is disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist. In particular, behavior that constitutes harassment or abuse will not be tolerated within our organization.

With the explosion of the internet chat lines, text messaging, Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, Instagram
, and other forms of information transfer, we wanted to make all EGMHA members including coaches, trainers, managers, players, parents, chaperones, directors, volunteers, employees of the EGMHA aware of the above regulation governing this form of communication.

Policy Statement

Failure to comply with the  EGMHA Operating Policy may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the  EGMHA General ByLaw and EGMHA Operating Policy. Such action may result in the member losing privileges, which come with membership in the EGMHA including the opportunity to participate in EGMHA activities and events both present and in the future.

If complaints are received the EGMHA will investigate those complaints and if the investigation process substantiates the complaint the individuals responsible may be subject to suspension.