Apr 13, 2015 | dferris | 1543 views
Great year for Peewee Select!!
What a great year for the Peewee Select team!!! We ended the season with a 12-4-4 record!
The development shown across the team from the beginning of the season to the end was fantastic. I would like to thank all of our sponsors for providing their support for the team. I would like to thank the coaches, Jamie Needler (Head Coach), Corey Daxon (Asst Coach), Craig Weir (Asst Coach) and Jeff Kusmenko (Trainer) for all of their work and effort this season. Many thanks to all of the parents for having such great kids and providing great support throughout the year. We definitely had the most vocal fans of any team!
I would lastly like to thank 15 of the greatest 12 year olds you could ever meet! I cannot imagine a closer knit team. This was a team where everyone played together, supported each other and in many cases developed strong friendships. It was a fantastic experience being around this team.
What a great year!