Please bring cheque for $90 to Cathy Teel, News, Bantam LL 1 - Weiman, 2016-2017, LL-U15 (EGMHA)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 18, 2016 | cteel | 665 views
Please bring cheque for $90 to Cathy Teel
Hi Team!
I have officially registered for the Jan 14 Woodville Tournament and the March 17-19 Tournament in Niagara Falls. The tournaments were $650+$700 that I have paid by cheque and visa. 15 players will be attending both tournaments....therefore the amount per player is $90 for both. I have paid already so would appreciate the cheque addressed to me, Cathy Teel asap. Please bring today to the Sharon Arena for the 3:10 game start or no later than Dec 20 at the Beeton Game in Beeton game start 8:30. If this is a tricky expense at this time of year than please give me a post dated cheque. Continue reading for more details on the tournament.

Woodville Tournament

§  Tournaments feature an eight team entry system.

§  Guaranteed 3 games per team and ALL are OMHA sanctioned.

§  Fees include: gate admission and lunch for all players. All tournament dates are Saturdays.

§  Tournaments start at 8 a.m. and usually end by 8:00 p.m.

For our House League portion (March 17-19), we will be accepting sixty (60) teams in five (5) divisions from  Novice to Midget.  There will be twelve (12) teams per division.  All house league divisions will play Friday through Sunday.  Teams are guaranteed 3 games and all games are 10-10-10 stop time.  

One of the requirements of this tournament is to stay at an affiliated hotel. Please take a look and let me know which one youd like. I will be asap as they are filling up. If the link doesnt work than please contact me via email. Thanks

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